DDC's Machine Learning Solution Structures Bill of Lading Data in Seconds

DDC’s Machine Learning Solution Structures Bill of Lading Data in Seconds

A New Approach to Tackling Supply Chain’s Data Dilemma

The logistics industry produces massive amounts of data, yet 80-90% of it remains unstructured and unable to be immediately utilized. Bills of lading exemplify this issue – they contain valuable shipment details but need to be manually re-keyed before the data can be leveraged. This inefficient process hampers supply chain speed and heightens the risk of errors.

DDC, a digital solutions provider, has tackled this dilemma by applying machine learning. Their new Auto-Extraction and Structuring tool can instantly structure raw bill of lading data and deliver it directly into a company’s system of choice. This streamlines operations, reduces overhead, and strengthens supply chain data practices.

Instant Data Structuring Through Machine Learning

DDC’s Auto-Extraction and Structuring solution utilizes machine learning algorithms to remove the manual data entry traditionally required when processing bills of lading. The tool structures the raw data and transmits it to the client’s desired system within seconds.

“What Auto-Extraction does is remove the keying work for our agents or your billing teams,” said DDC FPO CIO Richard Greening. “We can embed [the solution] into the carrier’s processes really quickly and get results fast.”

By eliminating repetitive data entry, the DDC tool optimizes an aspect of operations that has long hampered supply chain speed and efficiency.

Complete Digital Solutions for End-to-End Data Utilization

DDC Sync, the company’s app for shippers and drivers, can capture bills of lading through photo submissions. Pairing this with Auto-Extraction provides a seamless flow of data from its source to the user’s fingertips.

“The addition of Auto-Extraction and Structuring capabilities has propelled DDC one step closer to its goal of becoming an end-to-end digital provider for its clients,” Greening stated.

This integrated digital solution empowers supply chain leaders to base decisions on real-time, structured data instead of awaiting manual processing. The results are quicker turnarounds, reduced labor expenditure, mitigated margin erosion, and market differentiation.

Turning Data Into a Competitive Advantage

With supply chains facing compressed delivery windows and heightened accountability, structured data and visibility have become baseline requirements. DDC’s solutions upgrade clients’ digital capabilities on multiple fronts to drive cost efficiency, responsibility, and agility.

According to Greening, optimized performance via accelerated access to clean data directly strengthens decision making and problem solving. But the benefits extend further – to operational efficiency and market positioning that define supply chain leadership today.

By leveraging their expertise and resources, Lading Logistics aims to provide efficient and reliable international shipping and logistics solutions for their clients.